Brumos Collection Social Inspires Unadulterated Porsche Enthusiasm

We had the opportunity to capture the shared community enthusiasm for the love of the automobile at the third Brumos Collection Saturday Social this weekend. Our long-time friend and occasional photographer Marcelo Murillo was on hand to capture the enjoyment through bright facial expressions seen through the lens of his camera, captivated by the amazing vehicles on display, inside and out.

Jacksonville, FL is home to one of the most impressive vehicle collections and automotive museums, the Brumos Collection, which carries on the legendary Porsche outfit and inspired racing team along with many uniquely selected automobiles. Every time we go to the Brumos Collection and Museum, there’s something special that’s witnessed. We are thankful for the museum hosting a Saturday Social, inviting local Porsche enthusiasts to park their vehicles around the museum, and inviting other enthusiasts to see the modern and classic vehicles on display. This event has turned into a one-of-a-kind expression of our love for cars and sharing the enjoyment of having something so special in our vast city.

If you are ever in the area and are looking for something to do, be sure to check out and plan your visit. Until then, enjoy our images courtesy of Marcelo Murillo Photography, LLC.

If you would like to view the entire photo gallery or purchase images, please visit



Auto Show, Automotive, Brumos Porsche, Events, News, Porsche